Domestic Sale: Amazing fares from Virgin America

virgin-americaVirgin America strikes again with an amazing deal that will make you pack your bags at once! For a limited time only, you can travel in the US and to Mexico for fares starting at $44 each way for the US, and $159 for Mexico. Since these deals are valid for travel through March 31, it means that you can use this opportunity to plan a Christmas vacation out of town, or maybe a Spring vacation for 2011. There are so many holidays that you can plan with these fares that you don’t even need to stop at one! But with so many other people planning their winter holidays, hurry up and book a ticket as long as the deal still lasts. There are many departure cities, so you will surely find one that is close to where you live. You can book flights from Boston, Fort Lauderdale, New York, San Francisco and Seattle (plus a long list of other cities), and fly to Las Vegas, San Diego or Los Angeles. Don’t miss this chance to travel cheap to someplace you haven’t visited before, or to revisit some of your favorite destinations. Book a flight on Virgin America! You can find more details here.

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