Up to 65% Savings when booking a travel package with Travelocity

travelocityIf you really want to start the New Year with a boost of energy, maybe you should consider taking a vacation. You don’t necessarily have to jeopardize your job by asking for a vacation in the first month of the year; an extended weekend in some classy hotel could be enough to restore your strength. A short glance over Travelocity’s vacation deals will show you that prices hadn’t gone up since last year and a decently priced vacation pack is only within a click’s reach.

As part of their “Cure the cabin fever campaign”, Travelocity are offering discounted vacation packages that allow you to save up to 50% of the initial price. Thus, you can stay at Nickelodeon Family Suites in Orlando for only $79 per night. In their Travel Deals section, Travelocity are offering a total of 4435 deals, most of which are in the United States, but also in exotic locations as the Caribbean, Australia or South America. Going for a weekend ski trip is another smart option: spending a night in the 4-star Aspen Meadows hotel can cost you only $149 per night.

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One Response to “Up to 65% Savings when booking a travel package with Travelocity”

  1. ABetterStay says:

    Awesome post! I am a big fan of Aspen and wish I could get up there more often. Keep up the good work.

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