Round-trip flights from $100 with United

ATTENTION! These United deals expired, but we have found you a couple of other domestic flight deals, scroll down and check the table:

United Airlines

United Airlines ©Pylon757/Flickr

It is not too late to plan your vacation, or maybe second vacation yet! We at Metafares are always ready to help, so again we have found you some super cheap round-trip flights with United Airlines from $100 and many under $200. Book now before all flights sell out and search for select travel dates in July and August via the below search box.

→ Houston (HOU) to Austin (AUS) from $100 round-trip
→ Atlanta (ATL) to Charlotte (CLT) from $138 round-trip
→ Boston (BOS) to Newark (EWR) from $154 round-trip
→ Chicago (CHI) to Boston (BOS) from $213 round-trip


Enter your preferred travel dates, choose some of the providers and compare prices. We have found all featured prices on Travelgrove and Cheapoair.

Note that all featured flights were manually found for July 24 to July 31 and prices include all taxes and fees. Other dates are available, but try to avoid weekend travel, stay for a Saturday and try to fly from Monday to Thursday (especially Tuesday). Book now, these cheap flights don’t last long!

summer airfares with united – SUMMARY

Price: from $100 round-trip, taxes incl.

Taxes and fees: included in the listed price

Travel Dates: select dates on July and August, 2012

Departure: Houston, Atlanta, Boston and more

Destination: West palm Beach, San Francisco, New Orleans and more

Airlines: United Airlines

Class of service: Economy Class

Deals found on: comparison box

Provided by: Cheapoair and Travelgrove


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