Luxury hotels starting at $39 per night

hotwire-travel-logo-designIf you’re back on tacks hunting for travel deal this week, maybe it would be a good idea to check the discounted hotel rates available on The hotel deal of the day comes from Sparks Hotel in Nevada, where you can enjoy a four-star accommodation for as low as $39 per night (the offer is valid on a five night stay basis, starting with January 13th or January 24th). In Portland, Oregon, you can even be upgraded to a 5-star level and end up paying a modest amount of $79 per night. The offer is valid for numerous luxury hotels all across the nation, and most nightly rates are situated between $50 and $100 (for example, 4-star hotel room in Cleveland would cost you around $54, while a 41/2-star hotel in New Orleans can give you a similar deal for $63).

Since the site’s deal section is constantly updates, it is highly recommended that you checked out their hotel offers yourself.

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One Response to “Luxury hotels starting at $39 per night”

  1. Stunning hotels are well worth the expense. Lets not forget that you get quite a few of features in return like best location, excellent food and t service.

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