Canada City Trips and Wildlife Adventures from $440

travelocityWith its modern, cosmopolitan cities and millions of miles of wilderness, Canada makes an ideal destination for a family vacation. Deciding to buy a travel package instead of booking everything separately (like flight, accommodation, car) can help you save some serious money. According to the belief that some extra cash can bring a serious contribution to the success of any vacation, has come up with some great Canada travel package deals.
Thus, upscale hotels from Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal or Banff are now available at special rates, provided you are willing to go on line at and book a hotel+flight pack. A four night staying at Hotel Maritime Plaza in Montreal and round trip flight form NYC can cost you as little as $442, while a trip to the incredible Banff (same duration and departure city) add up to $702. There are, however, dozens of such offers, including upscale hotels all over the country.

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