7 nights vacation to Rangiroa and Bora Bora for $3825

Bora Bora and Rangiroa vacation

Bora Bora and Rangiroa vacation

Among the best travel deals of the week you can find a 7 nights vacation to Bora Bora and Rangiroa for $3.825 per person. Book this offer now and you can travel on select dates from now through December 10 2016.

Browse to also find the Timber Ridge Lodge and Waterpark near Lake Geneva for $109 a night, domestic airfares with Virgin America from $69 one way, an Oahu getaway in a 4 star hotel for $1,029 per person and more. Act now, the best ones always sell out first!

Weekly travel deals
DealVacation OfferTahiti, South AfricaLuxe Bora Bora and Rangiroa 7-Night Vacation w/Air$3825
DealHotel SpecialChicago, ILWI: Suite at Geneva Lodge w/Indoor Water Park Passes$109
DealHotel SpecialLas Vegas, NVPalms Place Hotel and Spa at Palms Casino Resort 50% Off Plus $50 Dining Card!$59
DealHotel SpecialNew York, NY4-Star Manhattan Hotel w/Free Suite Upgrade, 40% Off$129
DealVacation OfferOahu, HIOahu: 4-Star Vacation incl. Air and Hotel$1029
DealAirfare DealnationwideWinter Fare Sale on Award-Winning Airline, O/W$69
DealAirfare DealBrazilFly to Brazil this Winter, Roundtrip$929
DealAirfare DealEuropeTop Europe Fare Deals on 4-Star Airline, R/T$639

If you want to get this Rangiroa and Bora Bora vacation for the price featured in the table, you should depart on March 31 and return on April 7 2016. This package includes your flight from Los Angeles to Bora Bora (other departures are also available), inter island flights, 4 nights stay at Le Meridien on Bora Bora, 3 nights stay at Hotel Kia Ora Resort and Spa on Rangiroa, daily breakfast, canoe sailing excursion, a bottle of local wine, flower lei and some specials for potential honeymooner guests.

Make sure you are getting the best price for the best value by choosing some merchants from the box and comparing them for other vacations to Rangiroa and Bora Bora.

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